Meet The Weavers

Meet The Weavers

The Among Equals Team, invite you to meet artisans from Papua New Guinea in a celebration of craft, colour and art.

Florence Jaukae, known as the Bilum Meri, Lina Singu from the Sepik region, Barbra Pagasa from Mt Hagen and Master Weaver Galauto Helivi will be in Sydney to highlight the women’s stories and share the joy and exquisite craftsmanship behind their handwoven work.
Tickets are redeemable on Among Equals products with proceeds going directly to the weavers.

Wednesday 3rd of April | 11am - 1pm
20 Goodhope Street, Paddington, NSW

Thursday 4th of April | 11am - 1pm
20 Goodhope Street, Paddington, NSW

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